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Quiet Time With God

So today is Day One of what we call at my church "Quiet Time With God". At the beginning of every year we take the month of January to turn off life's distractions and get quiet before God in prayer, fasting and worship. We do this in expectation that we will be able to hear God share what He has for us in the coming months. 

This year I am expecting God to do some BIG things!!! I'm excited about the album that I have coming out in a few weeks and I'm expecting Him to bless thousands of people with it! 

I'm excited about the two women's conferences I already have scheduled this year where I will get to minister in song and in teaching. One of them is back in Iowa where I'm from so I'm grateful for the opportunity to go back home to serve the women there. 

So God has already showed me some of the things that He has in store for me this year. But I know there's so much more! So I'm participating in Quiet Time With God because I know my life is very busy and "noisy" if I don't. And it can be hard to hear my own thought sometimes much less the still small voice of my Creator speaking to me. I want to know WHAT to sing at these events. I want to know where else He wants me to go. I want to know what He wants me to do for Him this year. I have a few things that I have been waiting years to see happen and I'm STILL in expectation that He can do them this year! So I'm getting quiet. I'm turning off the television, spending only an hour a week on social media and I'm doing the Daniel Fast Yep! No meat, sweets, bread or dairy for 21 days. I have to let my flesh know that I mean BUSINESS! 

How are you starting your 2018? What are you expecting God to do for you this year? What goals and dreams do you have for 2018? I'd love to hear all about them!

To learn more about Quiet Time With God you can visit You can also worship and pray with us Monday through Thursday at noon until January 28th. 

Make 2018 great!